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Hot Talk is ground zero for South Florida’s conversation on diversity Sunday nights on HOT 105 with Maestro.
Rodney Baltimore interviews Executive Director Stephen Gilmore of the Transitions Program for the ' Justice Impacted Person' for the "Ready To Work' Program providing State Identifications and Driver License Assistance to the formerly Incarcerated and homeless on Monday September 11, 2023 at 1550 NW 3rd Avenue In Miami , FL 33136 from 9am to 2pm this service will provided free please call to set up an appointment ( 305) 571-2001 this a free event
Jill Tracey sits down with Dr. Michelle Powell to discuss everything there is to know about the coronavirus outbreak.
Jill Tracey speaks with UM Professor Donald Jones on the deeper societal implications of the Coronavirus and mitigation.
Rodney Baltimore interviews South Florida Community Leaders
Rodney Baltimore interviews Dr. Bernard Jennings for a book signing of his latest book ' Ethan's Dad Good Act of Turning Lemons into Lemonade' part of the Art & Book Festival on the campus of Florida Memorial University 15800 NW 27th Avenue Miami Gardens , Fl from 10am to 2pm. Dr. Jennings will be reading and signing his book at 10am inside the Library. Free event contact (786) 529-0014 or visit www.FMUNIV.EDU
Rodney Baltimore interviews Dr. Dorothy Bendross Mindingall Miami Dade County School Board Member District 2 for the '25th Annual No More Broken Hearts Domestic Violence Workshop' on Saturday March 15, 2025 at Miami Dade College North Campus Lehman Theatre 11380 NW 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33167 from 9am to 3pm. Participants will gain knowledge on how to recognize signs for Domestic Violence, learn about resources. Children and Adults will engage in in workshop about healthy relationships, self respect and support friends who may be experiencing violence. A free event with free breakfast and lunch contact (305) 995-1350
Rodney Baltimore interviews Dr. Alysse Richardson of the Greater Miami Chapter of the Links Incorporated for ' 3rd Annual Black Family Wellness Expo' Saturday March 15, 2025 at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex 3000 NW 199th Street Miami Gardens, FL from 9am to 3pm. This is a collaboration with the Greater Miami Chapter, Dade County Chapter, and Miami Biscayne Bay Chapter of the Links Inc. A Free Family event with the Colgate Bright Smiles Dental Exams, free medical exams, fitness classes for adults and children, mental health workshops, financial workshops, healthy food demonstrations over 49 vendors will be onsite contact (786) 586-6933